Kek Lapis Musafireen (Large)


Delivery charge: $10.

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Indulge in the rich heritage of our lapis recipe, passed down through two generations over 30 years. Our traditional cake making methods are labor-intensive, ensuring each creation is a masterpiece that takes hours to complete.

Derived from the Malay word for layers, ‘Lapis’, our cakes are a kaleidoscope of colors, with each layer meticulously crafted by adding batter every ten minutes, resulting in stunning beauty with every slice.

At Musafireen, our cakes are a highlight of cultural festivities, enjoyed by many. With pride, we offer 13 flavors of Kek Lapis, from the classic Rempah Tradisi to the modern Bubblegum, designed to delight your senses.

Handmade with care, our Kek Lapis boasts the finest ingredients, ensuring the perfect balance of aroma, flavor, texture, and color in every bite. Experience the luxury of premium Golden Churn butter, the foundation of all our Kek Lapis creations.

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